© Internationaler Johann Heinrich Schmelzer Wettbewerb
© Daniela Matejschek

The promotion of young talents has been a central concern of the ›Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk‹ festival from the very beginning. In 1993 Prof. Helmut Pilss, the founder of the festival, established the >International Johann Heinrich Schmelzer< competition to offer a platform to aspiring musicians. Michael Schade, who has been an avid advocate for young talented musicians for years, continued to develop the programme ever since he was named artistic director. He was able to enlist the Schelhammer Capital Bank as a patron of the competition. In 2024 the >International Johann Heinrich Schmelzer< compition was held for the 11th time as part of the ›Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk< festival.

© Franz Gleiß

At the 11th International Johann Heinrich Schmelzer Competition 2024, Han Sol Lee Eo (baroque violin) secured first place - donated by Schellhammer Capital Bank:
In addition, Felix Gutschi (recorder) received the 2024 Sponsorship Prize - donated by the President of the Support Association of the International Baroque Days Melk, Prof. Gerhard Stabentheiner. The jury for this competition was chaired by Eva-Maria Sens. Together with the artistic director of the Melk International Baroque Festival, Michael Schade, and Evelyn Hofmann from Schelhammer Capital Bank, they presented the prizes.

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Die Anmeldung wurde geschlossen, der nächste Wettbewerb findet 2027 statt. Anmeldebeginn dafür wird Ende 2026 sein.
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